The Air Force Wounded Warrior Program helps the wounded, ill, and injured to get
the help they need and learn there are other ways to adapt. They offer adaptive
sports like sitting volleyball, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby, wheelchair
tennis shooting, archery, track, field, cycling, and swimming. They help them
learn new sports and how there are other ways to play within their abilities. They
help them come out of their shell when dealing with PTSD. They have a great
sports medical team which consists of a sports physicians, PT's, chiropractor,
and three sports massage therapists.
Wendy has had the privilege of working with them officially since June 2016 at
the Warrior Games at West Point Military Academy, in West Point, NY. She has
been with them at every camp and the 2017 Games in Chicago, IL, 2018 Games
at the US Air Force Academy, and the 2019 Gamies in Tampa. She has also
worked with the US Invictus Team. She began by volunteering when they came
to Eglin AFB in April 2015 where one of her offices is located. In the program she
has integrated a class on aromatherapy to teach them how to safely make
essential oil blends to use for PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, and TBI. She also voluteers
her time at the Invisible Wounds Clinic at Eglin Air Force Base. Everyone has
come back telling her how much it has helped them cope with their PTSD. She is
in the beginning stages of doing a study on Aromatherapy for PTSD. So far,
the results have been very promising!
The massage therapists have offered sports massage, cupping, MPS/Dolphon
therapy mostly for scar tissue release, medical/orthopedic massage and manual
therapy, AIS stretching, PNF stretching, kinesiotaping, and many other modalities
to our Wounded Warriors. In some cases we were able to help the athletes when
no one else could, including orthopedic and pain management physicians.
It has been an honor to work with these amazing athletes, and we hope to continue
for as long as they will have us!